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Author Message


Registered: 28.03.2006
From: kent/england

Posted: Thursday 02nd of Aug 14:21    

Hello Math experts ! I am a beginner at I seem to understand the lectures in the class properly , but when I start to solve the questions at home myself, I commit mistakes. Does anyone know of any website where I can get my solutions checked before submitting them for grading? Or any resource where I can get to see a step by step solution?
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Jahm Xjardx


Registered: 07.08.2005
From: Odense, Denmark, EU

Posted: Friday 03rd of Aug 17:46    

I have been in your situation a few years ago when I was studying What part of mixed numbers and interval notation poses more problems ? Because I think that what you really need is a good program to help you understand the basic concepts and methods of solving the exercises. Did you ever use a software like that? I have tried many but I have to say that Algebrator is the best and the easiest to use. It's not like those other programs because it teaches you how to solve, it doesn't just give you the solutions.
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Registered: 07.11.2001
From: Austin, TX

Posted: Saturday 04th of Aug 08:34    

Algebrator has guided students all over the globe. It is a very wise piece of software and I would recommend it to every student who has issues with their homework.
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Bxebel Abdih


Registered: 26.04.2003
From: United Kingdom - England

Posted: Sunday 05th of Aug 17:10    

Sounds like something I need to buy right away. Any links for ordering this software over the internet?
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Registered: 10.04.2002
From: France

Posted: Monday 06th of Aug 07:12    

Sure. Here is the link – There is a simple buy procedure and I think they also give a cool money-back guarantee. They know the product is superb and you would never use it. Enjoy!
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Registered: 15.05.2002

Posted: Wednesday 08th of Aug 08:32    

I remember having often faced problems with ratios, powers and powers. A really great piece of algebra program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem from workbook a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many math classes – Algebra 2, College Algebra and Remedial Algebra. I greatly recommend the program.
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