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Counting Money at Gary's Grocery Market

Day 3
“Percent or per cent?”

“Percent or per cent?”

Objective: Through the output of this lesson students will hopefully understand the beginning
concepts of percentages by dividing the dollar into quarters. Students will also be able to convert
between percentages, decimals and fractions. Along with the beginnings of multiplying decimal
numbers together.

Tools: Fraction puzzle (25¢)
“Percent or per cent?” worksheet

Instruction: To begin students will receive the Fraction puzzle using quarters. I will then ask the
children to show me multiple money values using the puzzles, and then incorporating the
percentages of a dollar. Where as $0.50 is also 50% of a dollar. Through explanation and hands
on activity, students will begin to grasp the one quarter is 25% of $1.00 and so on. After this
comprehension I will then begin to demonstrate the association between percents, decimal, and
fractions. (i.e.: 50% = .50 = 2/4) Students will come up to the board in order to demonstrate
these associations, but limiting the boundaries with the use of quarters only. In addition to
introducing percentages, I will cover the concepts and proper steps to multiply a decimal value to
another decimal value. (i.e.: 5.00 x .25 = 1.25)

Assessment: Aside from the completion of the worksheet “Percent or per cent?” Students will be
demonstrating there understanding of this concept by using the Fraction puzzle manipulative in
order to display the fraction, decimal (dollar notation), and percentage of the whole.

“Percent or per cent?”

Write the following amounts in the form of a decimal.

1. ¼ = _____ 2. 75% = _____ 3. 50¢ = _____ 4. 25% = _____

5. $0.75 = _____ 6. 100% = _____ 7. 2/4 = _____ 8. 4/4 = _____

Write the following amounts in the form of a fraction.

9. 70¢ = _____ 10. 50% = _____ 11. 0.25 = _____ 12. $0.75 = _____

13. 1.00 = _____ 14. 25% = _____ 15. 75% = _____ 16. 30¢ = _____

Write the following amounts in the form of a percentage.

17. $0.50 = _____ 18. 25¢ = _____ 19. 100¢ = _____ 20. $0.75 = _____

Complete the following multiplication of decimals.

25. After a week of collecting spare change, Paula, Sue, and Tom want to see who has the
greatest percentage of money. Below is a list of the coins and how many they collected for
each person. It is now up to you to find their totals and then find the percentages. Who
has the most coins? Who has the greatest percentage and what is that percentage?

Paula Sue Tom
2 quarters 5 pennies
1 dime
2 nickels
2 quarters
5 nickels

Day 4
SALES…But what’s my final

“Sales, Sales, Sales…but what’s my final price?”

Objective: The overall goal within this lesson will be for students to be able to find the final sale
price after applying a percentage off. Through this demonstration students will be reviewing
their skills with subtracting and multiplying decimals, while also gaining the proper steps in
order to calculate such a figure.

Tools: “Sales, Sales, Sales…but what’s my final price?” worksheet
Instruction: Within this lesson I will once again review almost everything that has been learned
in the prior lessons. We will review how to convert and recognize the association between
percents and decimals, multiplying decimals together, and finally subtracting decimals from one
another. Aside from basic review and rehearsal of already taught skills, it will be necessary for
me to introduce an organized procedure in order for students to be able to find the actual price of
an item after it has been put on sale. I will present the following steps to my students:

-convert percentage to a decimal value (i.e.: 25% = .25)
-multiply your found decimal value by your original value (i.e.: $1.00 x .25 = .25)
-once this value is found, take your product away from your original sale price to find
your final sale price (i.e.: $1.00 - .25 = $0.75)

Assessment: In order to best assess a student’s performance with this concept will be to have
them complete the worksheet entitled “Sales, Sales, Sales…but what’s my final price?”

“Sales, Sales, Sales…but what’s my final price?”

Find the given percentage for each given dollar amount.

1. 50% of $2.00

2. 25% of $5.00

3. 75% of $4.00

4. 25% of $3.00

5. 100% of $5.75

6. 75% of $6.00

Complete the following subtraction problems.

7. $3.56 - $2.34 = _____ 8. $5.00 - $2.25 = _____ 9. $7.80 - $2.80 = ____

At Gary’s Grocery Market there is a sale for all items. For each given grocery list below,
find the total and then apply the given percentage off to find the final sale price. (Note:
Individual sale prices are listed below the lists.)

List #1 List #2 List #3
5 oranges 3 bananas 12 strawberries
1 pineapple 2 loaves of bread 5 donuts
1 loaf of bread 4 donuts 1 gallon of milk
3 blocks of cheese 2 gallons of milk 2 blocks of cheese
2 head of lettuce 1 stalk of celery 3 heads of broccoli
25% off final sale 75% off final sale 50% off final sale


Fruits Bakery Dairy Vegetables
Orange-35¢ bread-$1.50 milk-$2.25 lettuce- 95¢
Banana-15¢ donut-40¢ cheese-$1.75 celery- $1.25
Strawberries-50¢     broccoli- 80¢
Pineapple- $3.75      

Day 5
“A Trip to Gary’s Grocery

“A Trip to Gary’s Grocery Market”

Objective: The objective of this day will be for students to applying all subject matters learned
during this unit. Not only will they be assessed with paper and pencil, but through peer
assistance and team efforts to help and encourage others to excel and present their abilities to the
rest of the class.

Tools: Penny Pincher Coupon Game
“A Trip to Gary’s Grocery Market” worksheet

Instruction: Students will be split up into 5 groups at the beginning of this lesson period. At this
point I will pass out envelopes filled with a variety of coupons. I will explain to the students that
every group has a different variety of coupons in which they will apply to the grocery list that I
will provide for them. There will also be cards with total sale price discounts in which they have
to apply to the total sale price. Upon receiving the grocery list they will begin to total up the sale
prices and apply all discounts and coupons. While making sure students know it is not a race but
more of a time for peer sharing and group analysis; when enough time has passed students will
then present their methods making sure to have each student to present a portion of the exercise.
After completion of presentation I will adjust to reviewing any specific skills needed to complete
the worksheet.

Assessment: Not only will the students be given the worksheet of “A Trip to Gary’s Grocery
Market,” but they will be assessed aurally by presenting the steps they took in which to complete
the Penny Pincher game.


Throughout this process I have found that creating a unit of lessons, is quite a daunting
task. Not only do you have to decide what topic to cover, but you have to make sure that it
applies to the PASS standards, along with creating manipulatives and finding resources or
generating your own worksheets in order to assess the students. Though I consider myself a
creative person, it is very easy to find ones self in a stand still trying to think of something
different and new. Aside from those, one must evaluate the abilities of the class and adjust
accordingly if need be; without being in a classroom you find yourself second guessing the
lessons and skills in which you intend to teach through that day. Though you feel capable
enough and understand the topic that you want to present, you must be able to retrograde back to
the most basic of levels to ensure the comprehension of every student. From this my already
esteemed respect for educators of the world has grown even more just from a unit only covering
a theoretical week.